The Danish Patient Compensation processes personal data for the following reasons:
- So we can asses whether you are entitled to compensation for personal injury in accordance with the Danish Act on the Right to Complain and Receive Compensation.
- For us to be able to issue an advisory opinion on permanent disability and loss of earning capacity in cases pending in the Board of Compensation.
- So you have access to our Netservice platform in order to follow your case.
- So you can receive our newsletter.
- For us to respond to your enquiries.
- To support research and injury prevention.
We only collect personal information about you in accordance with the relevant legislation aswell as your consent.
This legislation includes the Danish Act on the Right to Complain and Receive Compensation and the Liability for Damages Act. These state that we must obtain the information about you, that is necessary to asses and make a decision on the case. In this regard we may obtain information about you from hospitals, doctors, other healthcare professionals, public authorities and insurance companies, etc.